Ortitay Voices Support for Lawsuit Against PennDOT Bridge Tolling Plan

Nov. 10, 2021 /

BRIDGEVILLE – Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny) today announced his support for a lawsuit that will be filed on Friday against PennDOT requesting an immediate halt to the agency’s plan to include the I-79 bridge near the Bridgeville exit on the list of nine bridges throughout the Commonwealth it plans to toll under the public-private partnership bridge program.

Ortitay to Lead Hearing on Commonwealth Procurement

Oct. 25, 2021 /

WHAT: Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny), chair of the House State Government Subcommittee on Government Operations, will lead a subcommittee public hearing on Commonwealth procurement procedures.

Ortitay to Lead Hearing on Special Education

Oct. 05, 2021 /

WHAT: Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny), chair of the House Education Subcommittee on Special Education, will lead a subcommittee public hearing on delivery of special education services to students in the Commonwealth.

PennDOT Secretary Continues to Push Billions in Tax Increases, Ortitay Says

Sep. 30, 2021 /

BRIDGEVILLE – The House Transportation Committee today held a public hearing on PennDOT’s transportation funding plan that includes using the public-private partnership bridge program to unnecessarily target certain areas of the Commonwealth by creating toll bridges, said Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny).

Ortitay to Host Congressional Redistricting Hearing

Aug. 23, 2021 /

WHAT: Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny), a member of the House State Government Committee, will host one of eight committee hearings to gather input from residents on congressional redistricting. Every 10 years, information collected through the U.S. Census determines the number of U.S. representatives each state is entitled based on population. Once in receipt of that data, states are responsible for redrawing the geographic area of their congressional districts to ensure equal and fair representation, and the physical manifestation of the constitutional principle, “one person, one vote.”

Governor’s Transportation Plan is Highway Robbery

Aug. 02, 2021 /

BRIDGEVILLE – Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny) today expressed bewilderment at a final report issued by Gov. Tom Wolf’s Transportation Revenue Options Commission that would cost residents billions of dollars.

House Republicans Urge Wolf to Prioritize Small Business, Restaurant Recovery, Vaccine Deployment with Pandemic Funds

Aug. 02, 2021 /

HARRISBURG – As Pennsylvania’s restaurants and small businesses continue to struggle from the effects of COVID-19 economic shutdowns initiated by the Wolf administration, Pennsylvania Republicans Monday urged Gov. Tom Wolf to prioritize their recovery with the $372 million pandemic response discretionary account his office received as part of the FY 2021-22 state budget.

Ortitay Issues Statement on Legislation to Extend Suspension of Regulations

Jun. 10, 2021 /

BRIDGEVILLE – Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny) today issued the following statement in response to the General Assembly passing legislation (House Bill 854) to extend through Sept. 30, 2021, suspension of regulatory statutes, orders, rules or regulations put in place as part of the COVID-19 disaster declaration: