Legislators Push to Bring Alicia’s Law to PA
WHAT:    A bipartisan, bicameral group of legislators will unveil efforts to fund the prosecution of technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and internet crimes against children. 

WHO:    Rep. Jason Ortitay (R-Allegheny/Washington); Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-Allegheny); Rep. Jessica Benham (D-Allegheny); Alicia Kozak, internet abduction survivor and founder of The Alicia Project; Lena Hannah and Jill, Pennsylvania mothers; and Det. Sgt. Chaz Balogh, Luzerne County District Attorney’s Office.

WHEN:    Monday, June 10, 10 a.m.

WHERE:    Capitol Media Center, East Wing, Harrisburg.

LIVE WEBSTREAMING:    Barring technical difficulties, the press conference will be streamed live at RepOrtitay.com and SenatorRobinson.com

Media contacts:     Tracy Polovick, 717.919.7615, tpolovick@pahousegop.com / Allison Dutrey 717.787.5839, adutrey@pasen.gov